Over a two-month period beginning the second week of the third quarter, students
in Mr. Turner's eighth grade communication arts classes will undertake a research project. Students will choose a topic
pertaining to The Civil Rights Movement.
The project is worth 1,000 points, including:
100- Thesis statement
200- First draft of research paper
100- Oral presentation
100- Multi-media project
300- Final draft of research paper
100- Bibliography
100- Meeting deadlines
Research papers must be at least 1,000 words.
Each paper must include information from multiple sources, with at least two of them being books.
First Week- Research in MAC Lab
Second Week- Two days of research in SMS Library, Work in Room 210 to put together
materials, thesis statement due at the end of the week
Third Week- Continue work on first draft.
Fourth Week- First draft is due at the end of the fourth week.
Fifth Week- Students will give oral presentations and multi-media presentations.
SIxth Week- Finish oral presentations and multi-media presentations
Seventh Week- Movie- Separate but Equal, work on final draft
Eighth Week- Students will turn in final draft at the end of the week.